How to Merge Multiple Facebook Pages

April 2, 2020
By   Jen McDonnell
Category   Social Media
Merge Multiple Facebook Pages into One

At some point, you may find yourself with more than one Facebook page for your business. This can happen if a customer trying to check into your location couldn’t find your page and created a Places page instead, or if an employee created a Facebook page without your knowledge. If both pages have amassed a considerable amount of likes, you can merge them into one page without losing any fans.

[Note: Facebook changed the process for New Page Experience. Click here to learn more.]

In order to merge two pages, you must first be an an “admin” on both pages if they are classic pages, or have “full control” on both pages if they are new experience pages. (If you are merging a Places page, you need to first claim it using these instructions.)  Decide which page you’d like to keep. Note: while the likes from both pages will be consolidated onto the remaining page, you will lose all content, photos and posts that are on the other page, as well as that page’s username. We suggest you merge the page with the least amount of likes and engagement into your more popular page. You can also download all the content from the page you’re losing here.

Step 1:
Before you begin the merging process, make sure both pages have the same address and similar page names, which will indicate to Facebook that these pages represent the same business. If the page names are not similar, change the name of the page you don’t want to keep (you can do this by editing the “about” or “page info” settings). It doesn’t matter what you name it as it will not override the main page’s name after the merge, though we suggest giving it a slightly different page title so that you can differentiate the pages during the process. For example, if your main page is called Store ABC, call the other page that you’re merging into it Store ABC 2.

Step 2:
Visit to merge your pages. If your page access is through a Business Manager, go to


Step 3:
Select the page you want to merge (which will no longer exist) and then select the source page (the page that will remain):

merge facebook pages new experience


Step 4:
Facebook will ask you to confirm your choice before it merges the pages. Be sure the page listed in the pop-up window labeled “this page will be deleted” in red is the one you don’t want to keep, as it will be permanently removed from Facebook and you won’t be able to unmerge it. The one with green underneath it will be the one you keep.

merging two facebook pages


Step 5:
In most cases, the above step completes the merging process and the duplicate page will no longer exist, while the main page will now include the likes from the duplicate page. However, in some cases the page you want to merge into your main page does not show up as an option in the pop-up window. If that’s the case, you might not have admin rights to the page (classic page) or you may only have task manager rights (new experience). Also, if a page is “owned” by a Business Manager and you are not an admin in that Business Manager, you will not have enough access to merge that page.


PLEASE NOTE: We do not work for Facebook and the advice offered in this blog and its comments are based solely on our own experiences. If you are having issues, it is best to contact Facebook. 


duplicate Facebook Facebook Places merge


Jen McDonnell

Jen is the Vice President of Content and Social Media at Reshift Media, where she manages a team responsible for the social strategies for several national and international brands. She has a strong content background, having previously worked in online journalism for 10 years. Her articles have been published in the National Post, the Ottawa Citizen, the Vancouver Province, the Calgary Herald, Flare, and more.

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Comments (360)

  1. My facebook pages merge problem i have 2 pages same name same category but this is not merged please solve this problem thank you

  2. hi i get the following error when i try to merge pages however i changed the location already (These Pages can’t be merged because they are too far apart. Each page can only have one place associated with it; don’t use this tool to merge different branches of your business. If these places refer to the same place, try changing the address on the destination place and waiting for the location to update.)

  3. An error has occurred while merging pages. This may be caused by your attempt to merge too many pages.
    For more than a year, I see this message when I try to merge my pages.
    Please tell me how you can solve this problem?
    Please tell me a link to the unification form? ( I’m from Ukraine )
    Or how to write Facebook so that it combines all my pages into one?
    I have a social project that I would like to know as many people as possible.
    Please help me

  4. Hi.

    I have merged two of my pages and Facebook says i have succesfully merged the two pages. Each time i checked on the Page i chose to keep, it still has the same number of likes and the other page still exist. The number of page likes of both pages didnt add up together and it has been almost two weeks. What seems to be the problem?

    Thanks. I hope to get a response from you❤️

  5. Hello, Can you help me with the following scenario. One of the businesses I am managing have two locations in New Jersey. So I requested Facebook to create two different Facebook places listing pages for the business and as a result, Facebook has created two different places pages for the business. Following are the URL’s:

    Now the problem/confusion is, apart from the above two pages, we also have one Brand Page of the business with 928 Page likes.

    Now what should we do with this page? What is the ideal solution? Shall we keep all the three pages or merge/delete the brand page? (I am afraid of losing 928 page likes if we delete this). I know for a fact that we must not do any changes with the two location pages so any change need to be applied must be on the Brand Page. Please advise.


  6. Hi,

    This was incredible helpful! Just to clarify… Once you merge, you stated that the likes and check-ins from the old page will merge, however, the content will not. After merging, will the content on the page (the more popular page) still have all of its content? Thanks!

  7. Hi,
    I have merged 5 Pages recently. but the Problem is, when i try to merge the 6th Page the message appears that An error has occurred while merging Pages. This may have been caused by your attempt to merge too many Pages.
    what can I do to solve this issue…

  8. hello ..I am trying to merge two pages one names”” and other “foodiezflavor byafoodie”.Fename it.Fb is saying it cant be merged because names are not similar.I tried to change the name of my subpage but its saying fb cant rename it.I am stuck.Can you plz suggest something?

  9. Hi there

    Im trying to merge my two big pages with the same name but constantly getting the message too many pages have been merged and that it can not be done. Any idea the limit of pages that can be merged?

  10. Hi Jen,

    I’m managing the pages for a brand that distributes globally – so we have multiple facebook pages i.e. BRAND, BRAND USA, BRAND CANADA, BRAND AUSTRALIA, etc etc. Some of the international pages we want to pull back into the main ‘BRAND’ page, basically because those distributors have their own company pages and don’t have the resources to also manage a separate page for one of the brands they distribute.

    Anyway, from what we can see we are meeting all requirements. We’re admins on all pages, pages have VERY similar names – literally as simple as what’s above. There are no ‘addresses’ on any of the pages – as they’re for the brand, not a retail store. Pages have same category and website details… However every time I attempt a merge I’m getting a bizarre error of “Pages cannot be merged”… Pages need to have the same name however you can’t change the name of the page you’re trying to merge”.

    It’s so bizarre because I can’t change the pages to have the same name and Facebook’s guidelines say ‘similar’ name for a page merge. not same. I can’t find any other help information online for this conundrum. Any ideas?

    1. Hi Natalie,

      There are two things that could be happening here. You may be part of Facebook’s Global Pages framework. Do you know if that’s set up? Otherwise, this is a bug that sometimes happens with Facebook — you get stuck in an error loop when you try to change a page’s name. Unfortunately, the only way we’ve been able to get around it is to contact Facebook for help.


      1. Thanks for your reply! Nah we’re not on the Global Pages thing, we’ve just set up 10 or so individual pages. The really frustrating part of all this is trying to make contact with Facebook. The Error report/feedback form wouldn’t submit yesterday… Driving me nuts.

        Looks like that’s the only option though, to hopefully get a message through to them (unless there’s another way to contact them that I don’t know about?)

        1. If you’re an advertiser, you can contact them through your Business Resources page and they usually reply within 48 hours.


  11. I tried to a convert an account to a mistake i changed it to a business page instead of someother page, so i changed it back to account..but after sometime when i again tried to convert it to a page its showing a error telling “link is unavailable or mite be broken”.. please tel a solution to this

  12. Hi Jen,

    Thank you for your tutorial. Better to be safe then sorry and see some screens before proceeding. I have a question: I want to merge to pages that were used to competition but now are playing to the same goal. The question is: Is it worth doing? One page has 7k likes the other 9k likes. What is your experiance? I also have a feeling that one of the pages is somehow higher in the facebook ranks then other and is getting much more users interaction. What is your opinion please?


    1. Hi Tom,

      The goal of merging is to ensure that there aren’t multiple pages representing the same thing. But if your pages have different names, represent different things, and both have good engagement, you can keep them both.


  13. Hi please could someone help me, I merged my facebook pages together, And now I have lost the search option. I cant search for people on facebook, I cant invited them to my page, I cant tag people in anything. All I can do is post.
    What can I do?
    If I make a new page up and convert it again is it going to do the same?
    Thank you

  14. Hi- Quick question… It is giving me the option to merge pages and the one I want to keep has not been published yet. Can I still merge all my “likes” to this new business page OR do I have to publish it first?

  15. Hi Thanks for post dear ,
    still facebook blocked rename and merge page’s so any solution Like how we remove merge and rename Blocked restriction .

    Please help .
    Thanks .

  16. Hello, at last some good step by steps but I am STILL not finding an answer to what I need (the ‘permanently deleted’ scares me!)

    I have two pages – one as community organisation with a crap name with lots of likes and a history, and one with a good name, but no activity on it. I would like the first to have the name of the second, and would like to keep the activity as its a really useful record.

    I can’t change the name of the first to that of the second as it tells me the name is being used, and I am reluctant to merge the two as It looks like the outcome will be lost history.

    So… I have thought about closing the second and namechanging OR merging, losing the name of the second, then renaming (but the ‘permanently delete’ looks like we will lost the second name.. OR running both together and hoping to migrate the users.. All of which seem poor choices.

    Is there any way at all I can end up with all my likes etc, all the history, and the site under the new name? I am relunctant to close the new name one for too long as I know some local sharks are trying to snap it up to play with our customers/market.

    What is your advice?

    1. Hi Jeremy

      Sounds like quite a conundrum. You basically have 3 choices:
      1) Release page #2 (with the good name) and hope nobody grabs the name before you do.
      2) Merge page 1 into page 2 (assuming the names are similar enough to allow you to do this), knowing you will lose all of the content and data from page 1
      3) Contact your Facebook rep and see if they can do anything for you given the unique circumstances.

      Hope that helps!

      1. Hellow Steve!!
        I have 1 problem with my pages. Im Administrator for 2 pages Eskada Bar & Dinner and Eskada Bar & Dinner but i cant marge this pages. Information is the same only web addres is different ( but i cant not same- claim). Please help!! Thanks and good day!!

        1. Hi there,

          I’m sorry; I’m not sure why you can’t merge. Are you unable to see one of the pages in the dropdown when you go through the merging process?


          1. hello Jen
            my one page says Eskada bar & dinner the other Eskada bar & dinner 1 and when you get the option merger requires my user password and see the message “No pages merger”. What i must do?

          2. Hi,

            If you cannot see the merge option, you can contact Facebook using your advertising support tools. Email them through that form and they should be able to help you.


  17. Hi there. I have 2 pages (page 1 and page 2) and wanna merge them. But I have many paid ads and statistics on the page 2. If I merge them (I wanna page 1 be the main) – will these ads and statistics disipate? Thank you

    1. Hi there,

      I am not sure if your ads account will migrate to the new page, but you can clarify with Facebook by going into your Ads Manager and selecting the “Advertiser Support” section under “Tools.”


  18. Hi Jen, thanks for answering my above question. I have another question that is related but not about pages. Hoping you can help me figure out what to do. I’d attempted to do some changes on profile and page names, switching them up as I’d gotten them backwards upon creation. Now I’m stuck with no username on my main profile and it says I changed it too many times, even though I only changed it once. Even though it’s my personal profile, it’s also how I interact with clients. Is there ANYTHING I can do to change my username/web address?

    1. Hi KH,

      There is a limit to how many times you can change your name/URL. To exceed that limit, you’ll have to contact your ads rep and they can help you.


  19. Hey there, I have a restaurant that recently opened a second location. How should I use Facebook for both locations? Should I create a new page, or is there a way to add a second location off of the main page we already use?

    1. Hi Peter,

      You cannot attach two addresses to a Facebook page, so it’s best to create a separate one for each restaurant. This also enables people to check into the correct location.


  20. If it doesn’t take 14 days to merge, do fans still get notified? I’m attempting to merge multiple pages and was wondering how it notifies fans and likers of these pages. Any help is appreciated.

    1. Hi there,

      Fans aren’t not notified of merged pages; they just get migrated over to the remaining page instead.


  21. Does the Admin from the Lesser Page merged on facebook still remain admin?

    If I have the Larger Page that will have a smaller group merged into it. will I have to worry about the admin from the small group trying to sabotage the new larger group if he gets upset after the merge?

    1. Hi Jim,

      Before you do the merge, you should remove any admins on both pages that you don’t want to be an admin on the remaining page.


  22. I would like to merge two of my pages, one of them has a lot more likes than the other. FB does not give me the option to merge this page in the one with less likes. It gives me the message that the page with lower likes is the one that will be merged and info will be lost.
    I’d like to transfer the page with the more likes. Could you please tell me how can I do this?

    1. Facebook recommends that you merge the page with less likes/activity into the one with more.


  23. Hi Jen .. I have two pages I would like to merge two facebook pages I have. I would like to merge the page that has 51,000+ likes into a new one that has 48 likes. Based on your knowledge and experience, will I encounter any issues with the merger? Thanks. I’m a bit nervous something could go wrong and that I could lose quite a few fans…

    1. Hi Daniel,

      Facebook recommends that you keep the page with the most likes/activity, so I would merge things the other way if possible.


  24. I was given the option to merge pages so I tried. Then I got a message that said they could not be merged, but one of them disappeared! The page I wanted to use as the main page still has the same amount of ‘likes’ as it had before…where’d everything go???

    1. Hi Tracy,

      Sometimes I’ve gotten an error message but the merge still went through. Have the likes been brought over yet? How long ago did you do the merge?


  25. Don’t think that the corporate issue is my problem. I have 2 facebook pages one with just plain first name last name and the other – the one I prefer not to use – with first name, maiden name, last name.

    1. I’m sorry; if you’re using a real profile and that same profile is an admin on both pages, I’m not sure what the issue could be. You’ll have to contact Facebook.


  26. is it possible to create different sub pages for different products under one company page such that a like on a product page also automatically likes the company page. I want all the likes for different products to show on the company page. If it is not possible, kindly suggest the closet alternative. Thanks

    1. Hi,

      No, Facebook pages represent businesses, not products so there is no sub-product pages.


      1. hey, thanks for the prompt reply 🙂 Could such an arrangement be possible for a business with sub-businesses within it?

        1. Hi,

          Not that I’m aware of. LinkedIn is more suitable fro sub-businesses and showcase pages for products.


  27. Hello

    I have two pages with similar names: Mo Magic & MoMagic. When merging pages from either one of these, the merge request only allows me to merge and save the page with the higher likes, and I would like to retain the name of the one with fewer likes “Mo Magic”

    I then completed the Request to merge your duplicate pages:

    When I first completed this, I received a message saying request denied and that I should make both pages as close as possible.

    I did this then completed the form again, and was told that I would receive an email from Facebook support.

    1. Does anyone know how long this will take?
    2. Are there any other methods to merge both pages and retain the page name with fewer likes. Both have over 2500 likes?

    Thank you 🙂

  28. Hi, I would need help in merging in Facebook page – Deal Time to Deal Time Middle East LLC, it says these pages cannot be merged because their names are not similar, appreciate your kind help. Regards, Maria

    1. Hi Maria,

      Yes, as mentioned in the post you first need to change one of the page names so they are the same.


  29. Dear Jen. Thank you for your time. I do follow for a time now.
    I do have serveral page but one of them is giving me headaches. I keep trying two merge two pages with the exact name and the exact category but the merge is rejected because “the names do not mach”. I did also try to merge 3 pages into one at the same time. The one with the exact name is rejected (the names do not mach) and other one that the name is completily different name gets apprvedl to be merge in 7 days. Do know know how can I solve the problem?

    1. Hi Peter,

      Facebook appears to be currently in the midst of making some changes to page names, and it’s causing some issues. Merging multiple pages at the same time might also lead to problems. I would wait for the first merge to complete before trying again.


  30. I accidentally merge the old and new, on my business cards, it has the new page web address. With the merge, it deleted the new.. I am so heart broken.. The new one had my business slogan and now even when I go to try to create a new page, Facebook is not allowing me to use the same web address. If they merged, why can’t I use the new one again. I am so heart-broken. I actually had put a lot of work and promotion into that page… Is there is any solution????

    1. Hi Tabitha,

      Once a Facebook URL has been used, Facebook takes it out of commission for 30 days. It should become available again for use after that. If you advertise on Facebook, I would suggest reaching out to them in their help section on Ads Manager.


  31. Hello, I received the approval email from facebook, telling me to wait 14 days from the day I received the email. That was on march 2nd at 11 am. Today I should have seen any notification but I have not. I am worried because I dont know if it is going to work it all, Any help?

  32. I have set up a new page for “Touchy” topics, to move away from such items being posted to my personal page. I have about 3 years worth of posts I want to save and move over to the new page. Can I “Copy” my entire timeline to the new page without losing information. Basically, I want to duplicate what I have to another page, then edit posts so that one has just personal/family stuff and the other has the “Touchy” debates stuff…

  33. Hi!
    I just try to merge my Fans Pages, but I don’t see the part “select page you want to keep”. When I click “Merge Pages” it just straight to confirm button.

    Does Facebook have delete this option? or some technical issue doesn’t allow me to do that, because it’s a bit strange, I’ve seen many tutorials that showed the the part “select page you want to keep” exist, but I’ve also seen many people complain since few months ago because they didn’t get that option.

    Hope you can answer my questions.


  34. Facebook granted my request to merge my two business pages but needed two weeks since the names were off by one word. Now one page has disappeared but my “likes” were not merged? Do you know anything about this part of the process?
    Any help is greatly appreciated.

  35. I merged to FaceBook pages together and afterwards the search bar was gone so now I can’t search FB for other pages nor ‘like’ them.

  36. Hi, After merging two pages the search bar was gone. I have read I should add an admin but everytime I try to do so they say it can’t be done. So I do I get my search bar back so I can ‘like’ other pages?

    1. Hi Patrice

      Sorry, I unfortunately do not understand exactly what it is you are asking. Are you talking about the admin toolbar, or something else?

    1. Hi Mohiuddin.

      If it is just two pages, then the easiest thing to do is simply use a free social media dashboard to post to multiple pages. Hootsuite (or similar products) are quite handy to do so.

      Hope that helps!

  37. I got a message with this:
    “Since your Pages are significantly different from each other, we require a 14-day waiting period. A waiting period is required for merges that could be confusing for people who like the Page that’s being merged. During that time, the people who like the Page that’s being merged will be notified about the merge.

    Your merge will be automatically processed 14 days from today at the same time that you received this approval email. Thanks for your patience.”

    One of the pages had my last name that i tried to take off but it wouldn’t let me, but the first name was the main name of the page that i wanted to merge to. My understanding from this message is that it will automatically merge in 14 days, and just notify my followers of the change. Do they notify by email?

  38. i have 2 pages, and facebook wont let me merge them telling me i have merged too many accounts, i had a business account in each city in the uk, i merged some into 1, and now i have 2 pages for the same thing, why cant i do this its getting me down and im losing work

  39. Hey,

    I am about to merge two pages and this is extremely helpful!

    I have a separate issue i was hoping you could help with as you seem to know what you’re doing and i can’t get a sensible answer elsewhere!

    I want to claim a vanity URL for my pages. Once this has been done will the old long generic URL still work and redirect? I ask as a number of my clients have links to this on their websites and i don’t want the hassle of fixing ALOT of broken links?


    1. Hi Matt,

      I would do a couple first to test and confirm, but in the past when we’ve set a vanity URL, the old link automatically redirects to the new one, so it shouldn’t result in broken links.


  40. Hi, my situation is following: I want to merge two pages: Tesla Info and Tesla Tablet. Initially we opened Tesla Tablet page and it has more than 1000 likes, in the meanwhile we extended our product portfolio (added TVs besides tablets) and now Tesla Tablet name is not usefull any more. So we decided to open new page Tesla Info and merge Tesla Tablet into this new page. I tried to do it, I have merge option, chose the pages, but when I click on merge pages button I receive pop-up message: These Pages cannot be merged because their names are not similar. Yesterday I harmonized categories since they were different. So my questions are:
    1. Do I have problem with names?
    2. Or I had problem with categories so I have to wait a couple of days and try again?

    Thanks a lot for your precious help and advice

    1. Hi Jelena,

      You usually shouldn’t have to wait that long for the category change to take effect. My guess is that the names are still to dissimilar. I would rename the page you don’t want to keep Telsa Info 2 or something like that.

      Good luck!

  41. I finally see the Merge option , but when I click it, Facebook said that I dont have eligible page to merge? I have two pages under same name and same character

  42. Jen, I have just spent a the few days dealing with this merge page issue and you are literally like a breath of fresh air with the explanation. Here is my issue:

    1. I have a Foundation which has a personal page. We have over 4000 likes. We have had this page since 2010. Two days ago our intern was entering page to post and apparently Facebook told her to verify the name ( I did not personally see what they asked her) and she input my personal name and not the Foundation’s name. It resulted in our user name being changed on the actual page. I almost had a heart attack since this is the page all our school kids , parents, and corporate supporters follow up very actively on. I tried to change it back but Facebook user change option says I have to wait 60 days.

    2. We also have a regular fan page with the same name that only has about 1000 fans. So my thought was ok merge it into that page. But the message I am getting is the name is not similar ( remember one has my personal name now) so it cannot be done.

    I am literally panicking since all our volunteer notices and training get posted on this page and our biggest sessions are in Jan for the school year. I have sent several messages to Facebook but nothing.

    3. I was even thinking about seeing if to merge the personal page to a business with a similar name as my personal name if there is a possibility to immediately change the user name but not sure and do not want to risk it.

    4. I have already downloaded the info and deactivated the pages for the last 48 hours since I really do not want to confuse folks about the brand and look like a mom and pop outfit with the Foundation page hang me personal name on it.

    What should I do?

    1. Hi there,

      You won’t be able to merge the pages until the names are the same, and you’ll have to wait the required time for the personal page name change to be implemented. I think that if you migrate your personal page into a business page, the page name will remain the same, and since you have more than 200 likes, you’d have to request a name change, which will also have a waiting period.

      Your best course of action would be to contact Facebook and see if they can help. On your FB homepage, click the bottom arrow at the top right of the navigation and select “report a problem.”

      Good luck!

  43. Hi jen Iam From india ..and i have two identical fan pages When I click “merge duplicate pages”, it brings me to the screen that says “sorry this page isn’t available. why this happen??? is it fb technical issue or they ban me? plz reply

  44. In Europe, and after trying to merge profile with business page, I’m stuck with FB asking me to appoint an admin for the page, i fill in the email and password of the admin, but it does not recognize the user. I just get the message ” User does not exist or is currently invalid”.
    I’ve tried to fill in the email and password of the old profile aka admin of the page, it does not work.
    I also tried to appoint a new admin, filling the email and password of another profile, I get the same message.
    So now I can’t log in as the old profile or admin my business page att all, I get the same promt to appoint a new admin.
    The other profile has no problems to log in at FB, but FB does not accept it as a new admin (tried with different persons, still the same result) so I don’t have access to my page.

    1. Hi Alice,

      I’m unsure how to resolve this issue. I’d suggest you file a report with Facebook (on your personal Facebook page, click the down arrow at the top right and select “report a problem.”

      Good luck!

  45. When I hit “merge duplicate pages”, it brings me to the screen that says “sorry this page isn’t available. Any idea why?

    1. Hi Cole,

      Facebook was having some issues last week with merging pages and adding new admins. Have you tried again recently?


  46. I have tried to convert a profile to a page recently. It didn’t convert, it did create an additional page. So instead of changing my profile to a page, I now have a profile and a page. I would like to convert my profile to a page so I will keep my friends (so they turn into likes). I have done this in the past with no problems. I am having trouble now.

  47. Hi Jen,

    Is there any way to retain the username of a merged page? For example, I want to merge Page A with Page B. I’d like to keep Page B as the only one, but I want to change its *username* to that of Page A. Is this possible or is the username always unavailable for future use once it has been used on Facebook–even after a page has been merged/deleted?

    Thank you!

    1. Hi Michelle,

      By username, do you mean the vanity URL? If you have one set, Facebook should give you the option of choosing which one you’d like to keep (it will be one of your options in the pop up window when you merge).


  48. Hello Jen

    This may not be related to merging as such but I have a second business page that I would like to share with the people who have “”liked” the first. It is my ideal target audience as both are the same business category. Do you if and/or how that may be possible without losing the first in a merge.

    Many thanks

    1. Hi Russell,

      If they represent two different businesses (even if they’re in the same industry), I wouldn’t merge them. Instead, you can promote each page on the other using posts.


  49. hello Jen,

    I’ve requested to merge two pages many times, I’ve been informed that I will receive an email to response to it to merge the pages, but the only thing that I’m receiving is emails saying
    Facebook team”

    That’s all I got please help me I want to merge my pages.

    Thanks for your help

  50. Hi Jen,
    Great Page and very informative.

    I have tried to merge my page Pattaya Central to my other page, Pattaya central, without know that i needed to change the name.

    It has been 24hrs with no likes merging and Pattaya Central is now not visible on my facebook profile in the page section.

    My question is this. If my Merge is rejected due to name, will my other page become visible/usable again?

    Many thanks


    1. Hi Paul,

      If you can no longer access Pattaya Central, I assume that page has been successfully merged. Did the likes from that page show up on your other page yet?


          1. Hi Paul,

            Have you contacted Facebook? On your Facebook homepage, click on the down arrow at the top right and click on “report a problem.”

            Good luck!

      1. Hello Jen,
        I’ve requested to merge two pages many times, I’ve been informed that I will receive an email to response to it to merge the pages but the only thing that I’m receiving is emails saying
        Facebook team”

        That’s all I got please help me I want to merge my pages.

        Thanks for your help

          1. Yes, I changed the pages addresses to make them same and I changed my emails addresses to be the same

  51. Hello Jen McDonnell ,

    Nice to talk with you ~

    dear i have 2-3 fb page 1 is – 100K, 2 is – 11K & 3rd is – above 100K in different name . can i change their in one name ?? Please help me

    1. Hi,

      If you would like to merge all three Facebook pages, you should be able to do that using the instructions above (though first you may have to request a name change from Facebook).


  52. Can you tell me please if we are a charity and they are looking to set up regional pages for its regional reps so that they have their own pages to post news and events – can you help with a simple solution to this so that these pages can be controlled under the charities umbrella facebook page?

  53. hi,

    I have followed all the steps like keeping admin, page name, addresses etc same.. but the problem is “merger pages” tab is not coming in my page in any of the page? how come i can merge both the pages?

    Actually i have a id from which i create a page. id name and page name was different. but when i was trying to change my profile name from personal name to my brand name, facebook restricted be to do so, and it changed my profile to a page and disabled my id from where i created the 1st page. Now since i am the admin in both the pages even though i am not able to merge both the pages in single page.

    My 1st page is having 165 liks and other page is having 500+ likes.

    Could you please help me out.

    Thanks in advance.

    Nitin Maheshwari

  54. A former employee set up a duplicate page of my business on Facebook and I dont have admin access to that page. Is there anyway to get it if that employee wont give it to me?

    1. Hi Spanda,

      Unfortunately, the only process to claim a page is to hit the “report page” button and report it as a duplicate page.


      1. I’ve done this multiple times and nothing ever happens. What is supposed to happen after you do that? Facebook is not very good about these answers

        1. Hi,

          Facebook may not notify you, but you’ll know the process is complete if the page you wanted to merge not longer exists (when you type in the URL, it should just take you to and the likes from your old page have been added to the existing page. It shouldn’t take longer than a day.


  55. hi…i can see ‘merge dupicate page ‘ option…but wen i click goes to ‘ link broken / page not found’ ….what could be the eror?

  56. Hi! Will I receive an email if the merge request worked? I keep getting a pop up message to use a certain account to do the merge.. I am a bit confused and not sure if I did it correctly, I’m afraid to press the request button too many times! thanks!

  57. Hi, I had a personal page which had 5000 friends so I changed it to a public page, but it asked for an admin email and password while doing the process but my own wouldn’t work for some reason so I used my dad’s. The new page has been created and when I use my dad’s account I can access it. But I can’t access my own facebook with my email or password? It says it’s migrating and to check my emails but I’m not receiving anything. When I look online I can see my old personal page and the new one as well! But I can’t access as it won’t let me log in! I did the process 24 hours ago. Do you know what I can do? Thanks.

    1. Hi Eimear,

      Are you able to use your dad’s account and add yourself as an admin? Otherwise, I’m not sure what the next step would be beyond reaching out the Facebook Help.


  58. But I can’t see the Merge pages button on my account of the page which I want to merge with another page. How to find or activate Merge page button

  59. Thank you for your information. I have a company page that has a name I want to change but we cannot change it again (as it has been changed once before prematurely and incorrectly)…. so, it has all the content/likes/check-ins but the wrong name. I have created a new page with the right name but no content/likes/check-ins etc. What do you suggest for the merging process? Essentially, I want to keep the name of the new page and merge the content/likes/check-ins etc of the old page. Thank you in advance.

    1. Hi Andrea,

      Unfortunately, you won’t be able to merge content from your old page into the new one. You’re best bet would be to try to contact Facebook and request another name change.


  60. Hi, My company has a facebook page maintained by an outsourced party. But since I joined social media role has been given to me. not knowing who had the login details of the old page, I created a new one for the business. later, the outsourced company made me a page admin of the old FB page. I want to merge to 2 pages now but do not want the outsourced company to have access to the consolidated page. i.e. I simply would like to gain the likes of the old page and not leave out the 3rd party controlling the new merged one. how is this possible?

  61. Sorry about the previous comment it had too many grammar mistakes since I’m kind of going crazy.

    How long is a merge supposed to take? It’s been 12 hours since it’s been approved, and the normal facebook page where all the likes were to be merged from doesnt exist anymore, it had 700,000 likes,And it’s normal for it to not exist anymore since the merge was deemed “Successful”. But after about 6 hours of nothing happening, the new page suddenly got 66k likes and now again, nothing is happening. Is this normal? It’s not my first time merging a page, normally when it says it’s “Successfully merged” it takes about 10 minutes for my page to fully complete merging, but it’s taking way longer.- You said normally it’s immediate, but has this ever happened to you? Merging pages and it taking 1-2 days from the moment it said it was successful?

  62. How long is a merge supposed to take? It’s been 12 hours since it’s been approved, and the normal acebook page where all the like were to be merged from doesnt exit anymore, it had 700,000 likes, after likd 6 hours the new page suddenly got 66k like after nothing had happened, and now again, nothing is happening. Is this normal? It’s not my first time merging a page, normally it takes about 10 minutes for my page to fully complete merging, but not it’s way more.

      1. The new page is still visible, but the old page disappeared like it was supposed to, only that, after 6 hours it got 66k likes of the 700,000 likes it’s supposed to get (while I was sleeping), and now it’s stuck at 66k like the same way it was stuck at 0 likes when I went to sleep, thought?

        1. That’s strange — so the pages have merged but not all of the likes have been brought over yet? I would reach out to Facebook Help if all of the likes aren’t moved over by tonight.

  63. Hi Jen,
    Just wanted to send you a quick note of thanks: following your instructions and comments we have successfully managed to merge two accounts into one and change the name all within the two weeks!
    All the best,

  64. I dont have the option of Merge pages visible to me. i have 3 pages and i want to merge 2 of them into the third which has the most likes. however, i think the names of the other 2 have been previously changed so i cant edit them again. can you please help? thanks!

  65. Hello! Could you please tell me, has anyone with pages with more than 200 fans found away to change the page name, in order to make it similar with another page you want to merge with? I can’t find a way to do it… Thank you!

    1. Hi Ioana,

      When you go into your settings and click on “page info” there should be an edit button next to the page name. If you click on “request change” you can make the request there.

      Good luck!

  66. Hello, i wanted to merge my similar pages but this was the message i got when i lick the send button.
    You are currently using Facebook as your Page rather than your personal account. Please visit the Help Center for instructions on how to merge your Pages.

    1. Hi there,

      You need to be using Facebook as your personal profile, and ensure that your personal profile is an admin of the pages you’re trying to merge.


  67. Hello,

    I read that to merge pages they must have “the same address.” What is it meant by this? My pages have different addresses and they are related to different email accounts, but I’m still the administrator for both. Can I still merge them or is there a procedure to assign them “the same address” and then merge?

    Thank you!

    1. Hi Nina,

      Same address means same mailing address. If it’s a local business, Facebook is trying to ensure the pages are duplicate for the same location.


  68. I was told I did not have an account. So opened another. People tell me they use the old one and I can’t access it

  69. Hey there Jen,

    I’m located in Holland and i have a page about a big football club in my hometown with almost 15.000 likes. And seen as the club wanted to start their own fb-page, i want to “move” my likes. So i started a new facebookpage with a simular adres, which has 26 likes so far. But now amazingly enough i do have the option to merge the new page into the old one, but for some reason i can not merge the older page with all the likes into the new one.

    Do you have any idea why and how this should be fixed?

  70. Hello,
    Does anyone recognise the problem of having your merge approved (“Your merge has been approved and the pages have been merged”), but then nothing really happens?

    This has happened to me now a couple of times. Not sure if I should request the merge a few more times or what’s the deal. Any help appreciated!


  71. Hi There,
    Great post thank you. We are trying to merge three business pages into one. We can follow the steps outlined in the post until the end where it says “You are currently using Facebook as your Page rather than your personal account. Please visit the Help Center for instructions on how to merge your Pages.” When we visit our ‘personal account’ there aren’t any page merging options. Could you provide some guidance please?

    1. Hi Sarah,

      You can tell whether you’re using Facebook as your business page or your personal page at the top right corner. When merging, you should be using FB as your personal page (i.e. – you should see your own profile pic on the top right), and your personal profile should be connected as an admin to your business page (in the Page Roles tab).

      Take care,

  72. Hi Jen!

    I came across your article, and I have a question. I have a photography FB page with 1,068 likes (Michele Anne Portraits). I no longer have a name change available for this page due to me changing the name when I first made the page. I created another page with the new name Michele Anne Photography. There is currently 0 content on the new page. Would I be able to merge the first page into the 2nd page while keeping the new name (Michele Anne Photography)?

  73. Our restaurants business has 20 different locations. Therefore, we have 20 different places where people can check in. Is there a way to merge all of these so people can still check in but we get notified of this? Our main business page only shows one address. Is there a way to put multiple addresses on there?

    1. The link is different in every country, but if you go to Facebook Help and search “merge” you should be able to find it.


  74. I don’t have the link as I’d already changed the name once. Is there any other way to go around doing doing this? I have set up a new page with my new company name as I don’t see any other options of changing the old page name more than once, so it’s possible to merge the old page with 15000 likes into the new page with 0 likes? I understand I will lose all the content of the old page but my new page with the name that I want will have the 15000 likes transfered over. Correct?

    1. Hi James,

      Even if you’ve already changed the name once, when you go into Settings –> Page Info –> Name: Edit there should be a link that says “request name change.”


    1. Hi James,

      You’ll have to request a name change using the link in your page change settings.


  75. So as of this date it does’t matter if the page you want to merge has more likes than the page you want to keep? example I want to keep my new existing page with 0 likes but wanna merge the old page with 10000 likes to my new page. Possible?

  76. Hi Jen
    Thank You for your previous comments and suggestion with others this has allowed me to merge 2 pages and one profile together.
    With that been said my main page is still showing up on my mobile??
    Do i deactivate it via my mobile or leave it for a few days?
    On my lap top i only have access to my merged page as a i want it that way, but as i said on my mobile i still have access to both pages?
    Any help on this matter would be much appreciated
    Kind regards
    William Masterson

    1. Hi William,

      There shouldn’t be any difference between desktop and mobile. Perhaps there’s a cached version on your mobile? Have you tried logging into the Facebook app on another device?


      1. hi Jen,
        Thank you for your reply,
        Yes i have tried on a different lap top Account still shows
        Deactivated my account on mobile, still their when i logged back in.
        Also deleted the app and all the data, but still was their when i reloaded the app back on my mobile.
        Asked a friend to check on his profile page and he can still access my main page via his profile.
        Any suggestions

  77. Hi Jen

    I have 2 fb pages that I want to merge and they have the same name, adress and category. I want to merge the old page with 265 likes into the new page with 32 likes. But only in the old page I find the merge option where I can choose to merge into the new page. In the new page the option is not there. How can I merge the old page into the new page?

    1. Hi there,

      If you go to the page you see the “merge” option, you can click the link that says “request to merge pages” and then use the dropdown menu option as detailed in this post, which will let you choose which page you want to keep, and which page you want to merge.

      Good luck!

  78. Hi Jen I need to edit the name of the page I need to keep before merging 2 pages but Facebook requires me to send an official letter that shows the actual name of the business and it says it will take 14 days??? Is there a way of editing the name without sending stuff to Facebook

    and waiting for 14 days?

    1. Hi Zanele,

      If your page name has already been changed once, Facebook may require you to send documentation to prove you’re an official representative, and also will notify current fans that the page name is changing, which is why it takes two weeks.


  79. Hi Jen I need to edit the name of the page I need to keep before merging to pages but Facebook requires me to send an official that shows the actual name of the business and it says it will take 14 days??? Is there a way of editing the name without sending stuff to Facebook

    and waiting for 14 days?

  80. Hi Jen , I have recently merged 2 Facebook pages and have lost all my likes from the old fan page. How long does it take for the likes to reappear? I have read it takes about 5 hrs or a day, is this true? Thank you

    1. Hi Gabrielle,

      It shouldn’t take longer than a day. If you don’t see the page likes merged in the next day or two, I’d contact Facebook.


  81. hello, i have 3 fanpages, 3 of them has a same locations, names, infos etc. but when i go to settings [General] i cant find the Merge…but my acount says temporarily block for some features when i tried to add a new admin on Page Roles..

    1. Hi there,

      Sometimes Facebook blocks or suspends admin privileges on certain accounts due to security issues. You may have to wait until your account is fully active again before you can merge.


  82. Hello,

    Yes, there is same way (Artist) but where is the mail address settings?
    I check the Page settings menu, and there is a mail address line on the bottom, but it is empty on both site.


  83. Hello Jen,

    I think it is a little bit boring for You, but neither i can’t see the merge button. 🙂
    I am admin for both site, and the name is very similar (Nia Even and DJ Nia Even) but, after i read this site and all comments, i try one more thing: i create a 3th page, very very similar name (Nia Even 2) and i am the admin here too. Unfortunately there is not “merge” button. Have you got any more idea, or i should try to get contact with facebook?

    1. Hi,

      Are all of the pages categorized the same way (i.e. “local business”) and have the same mailing address?


  84. I have two pages with same name. But I can’t change the address to a same. Whenever I am trying it to a page it shows “debabrataroy43 is not available” … What can I do then ?

    1. Hi,

      The URL does not have to be the same (it can’t be), but the street address should be. Once you merge, you may have the option to choose which vanity URL you’d like to keep.


  85. I’ve tried to do the outlined steps, however when I get to the submit part of selecting the pages to merge, it shows a red icon saying “oops this can’t be processed at this time” this appears underneath each of the unselected 4 remaining options of the 5. Anyone else experienced this?

    1. Ya, I am having the same problem. And I’m scared to resubmit, because it warns me that all my pages may be deleted if I submit more than once… anyone help with this?

    1. Not to worry – we have our team of crack scientists working on the cloning technology as we speak.

  86. I created an alternate face book page because I wanted to start a blog, but I didn’t want it connected to my personal face book page. So I was wondering is there a way I can connect my blog to my real face book page and erase the alternate page or will it erase my blog because I created the blog on it. Is there a way to have my blog on my real face book and the blog still be private, not connected to me ?

    1. Hi there,

      I’m sorry but I don’t understand your question. Have you connected a blog RSS feed to your alternate Facebook page? If so, you can connect it to your personal FB page instead and delete the alternate page. Or when you say “blog,” do you mean that you’re writing posts directly on the alternate Facebook page?


  87. Hello Jen , I have some unpublished pages , all my pages were unpublished by facebook at once , and i dont even know the reason , is there any way possible to publish them ?

    1. Hi Altin,
      You should be able to publish it the same way you unpublished it. Under ‘page visibility’ check the ‘publish’ box and hit save.

      1. Hello Jen , I have some unpublished pages , all my pages were unpublished by facebook at once , and i dont even know the reason , is there any way possible to publish them ?

  88. I have 3 FB business pages, 2 are similar and I want to merge them. One is different and I want to keep that, so ulimately I would end up with 2 business pages, not 3 as I have now.
    Problem is when I go to the merge page is shows all 3 pages and asks me to select the one I want to keep. I want to keep two of them, but it looks like it is going to merge them all. How can I get them to know I don’t want one of them merged?

    1. Hi Karen,
      I’m not sure which option Facebook is giving you (the pop up or the help form, as described in the blog post above). You should hit the “merge” link on the page you’d like to keep. Then you’ll either get a pop up that allows you to select only the page you want to merge into it from a dropdown. Alternately, Facebook will send you to the help form. At the top you’ll select the page you want to keep, and then below that the page you want to merge. Only select the pages you want to merge — during the process never select the business page that you don’t want to touch.


  89. Hi Jen:

    Thank you for all your insight. I was wondering what do you recommend for someone that has multiple branches of one brand. Like we have 4 restaurants, but we don’t know if we should consolidate the pages, or keep 1 FB page open for each location. We don’t want to loose the location search in Facebook, if we consolidate the four. What are your thoughts?


  90. Hello, I want to keep FB page #1 and merged it to page #2. From which page do I click the “merge” button…from page #1 or page #2? I I don’t want to lose/delete page #1. am confused. Thanks!


    1. Hi Sylvia,

      As mentioned in the post, you hit the merge button from whichever page you want to keep (in this case, page #1). You will retain the likes/checkins from page #2, but lose all of page #2’s content.


  91. Just to let everyone know, the issue with “Your request to merge your Pages has been denied. Your Page names are too unrelated to merge at this time. To ensure that submitted merges are processed, please change the name of your Page before attempting to merge again” seems to be fixed now. My two pages have merged now which is great but now it won’t allow me to change the address which is why I needed it merged in the first place… Sigh… Hopefully that wll be fixed soon!

    1. Hi Lisa,

      Glad to hear you were able to merge! What error are you getting when you try to change the address? Sometimes, moving the map marker manually works.


  92. Hi Jen,

    Thanks SO much for posting this! I read through nearly a hundred different things before finding your page. It’s been very helpful to read through them and read through the comments section as well. I am running into a problem that I couldn’t figure out. I just created two new Facebook pages for two separate restaurants that I own. It appears that someone created a Facebook page for both locations a while ago.

    I now have four Facebook pages but I would like to merge the two old ones with the new ones that I just created. The issue is that when I get to the “Request to Merge Your Duplicate Pages” page, and I click the “Select Page” drop down menu, only three of my business pages appear. Also, I don’t just want to keep one page but I want to keep both of my new pages. Is there any way to merge onto two destination pages? (Also, please let me know if this doesn’t make sense! I probably explained it funny.)

    I contacted Facebook about this issue but they responded and said “Unfortunately, we don’t provide direct support for other general Pages questions at this time.” I would appreciate any troubleshooting advice!

    Thanks Jen!

    1. Hi Liz,

      You’ll have to merge each restaurant’s pages one at a time, not all at once. So select the first restaurant’s new page in the first dropdown, then the first restaurant’s old page in the second drop down, and submit the merge. Then, do the same with the second restaurant’s pages.

      Good luck!

  93. Hi Jen! Thanks for the article, but thanks mostly for taking the time to answer all these questions.

    I have a well-developed primary FB Page and 3 location-based FB Places. I have claimed ownership of the Places and am currently managing them each day. My question: If I merge the 3 Places into my primary Page, will mobile users STILL be able to check in to individual locations AND leave reviews for individual locations? I’m guessing “no,” but HOPING “yes.” 🙂

    1. Hi Eric,

      Unfortunately I don’t think so, because you can only have one address associated with a page. So if you merge your places into a page, users will only be able to check in/review the address associated with that page.

      Take care,

  94. Hi Jen, i’m having trouble merging 2 pages that have the exact same name. Every time I try and merge the pages I get this email from Facebook


    Your request to merge your Pages has been denied. Your Page names are too unrelated to merge at this time. To ensure that submitted merges are processed, please change the name of your Page before attempting to merge again.

    For more information regarding Pages, please visit the Help Center:

    The Facebook team”

    1. Hi Aiden,

      It might be a temporary bug — there seems to be issues with naming Facebook pages the last few days.


  95. Hi Jen,

    I’m admin of pages, some of them gives directly to merge, but some of them says ”request merge page” what is the different? When i click on the ”request merge page” broken links of facebook coming…. Thanks

    1. Hi Murat,

      If there is another page that you admin that has the same name/category, it should give you the option to merge directly. Otherwise, you can click on the “request to merge pages” link and it will take you to a screen where you can select the pages in a dropdown (as detailed in this blog post). The North American link is


  96. I tried but it won’t let you name it the exact same hence the single space was the closest to having it identical. I’m hoping maybe it’s a temporary glitch…

    1. I’ve always been able to do it just by adding a number to the end of the one I don’t want to keep (i.e. – ABC Store1 vs ABC Store). It might be a temporary bug. I would give it a few days before trying again. Facebook only allows a certain amount of name changes per page.

      Good luck!

  97. My parent company rebranded so I had to create an entire new FB page just to change the address since I already changed the address once on my initial page and it won’t allow you to change it a second time (which is ridiculous to begin with!). Now trying to merge the old and new, it’s driving me crazy!! Within 30sec of requesting to merge my pages, I get an email saying “Your request to merge your Pages has been denied. Your Page names are too unrelated to merge at this time. To ensure that submitted merges are processed, please change the name of your Page before attempting to merge again”. Ummmm, I’ve changed the names so they are IDENTICAL minus a single space at this point (try 4), after adding a location (try 1), changing a comma to a dash (try 2), adding a single digit at the end (try 3)… What is going on?!? Anyone else having the same issue? Any suggestions? I can’t even order my new business cards, print flyers, etc because I need this FB page to be up and running. Help!

    1. Hi Lisa,

      Try temporarily naming them exactly the same thing, but change the profile photo on one of them so you can tell them apart in the dropdown. Also, make sure both pages are categorized and sub-categorized the same way.


    1. The link is different in every country, but if you go to Facebook Help and search “merge” you should be able to find it.


    1. Hi there,
      The appeared to be a bug a few weeks ago with the merge disappearing, but it has returned to all of my pages.


  98. Thanks Jen, but still Not working :/
    Also another question, which could be connected with this link.
    i want to convert my profile to a page (have done a few times)
    Once you goto the migration page, you get the message ‘An email has been sent with what to do next’
    Again it doesn’t matter how many times you request the migration, no email arrives.
    Anyway around this?

  99. HI
    Well my two pages have different names,
    The one i want to merge in second has 1200 likes,
    Can i rename it?
    Plz i am looking for reply all over the net but couldnt find.

    1. Hi Pooja,

      You need to rename one of your pages so that they are both named the same (or very similar) and categorized the same.


  100. Hey Jen,

    I have really enjoyed reading your thorough and detailed article. I do have one question.

    I manage the parent (corporate page) for a business that has over 100 locations. One of the franchise owners has a thriving well managed page that they created on their own for their single store. I also have a page “claimed” as a child page for this same location. Therefore there are two pages for the same location that are both getting check-ins and “likes”.

    First, can I allow this owner to merge our “child” page with their location (removing it from our list of locations)? And second, what would be the disadvantage of removing the child page from the corporate account and letting the owner have full control of both?

    Thanks for your help.

    1. Hi there,

      I would suggest bringing the owner’s page into the parent-child framework, and then merging the other page into the owner’s page so it combines all the likes/check-ins. Even though it’s in the parent-child network, you can still grant admin access to people on individual child pages, so the owner will still have full posting access to his page. And because it’s in the parent-child network, you will also have admin access if needed.


  101. How long does this take? I’ve requested a merge with two pages of which I’m the sole admin a month or so ago and have received no response from Facebook, no email, no nothing and both pages are still separate. I’ve thought about requesting again except that they specifically state not to request multiple times or this could result in the loss of both pages. Any ideas?

    1. Hi Ian,

      It’s never taken more than a few days in my experience. When you merged them, did you get a pop up window saying the merge request was received?

          1. I did about a week ago. First time was 3 weeks before that. Still nothing. I’m nervous to try too many times as they do mention that if you request more than once both pages could be deleted.

  102. Hi
    I changed the name of the page I dont want to keep and I changes the address as well but I am still not getting the merge pages option. The page I want to merge is KNS production and the page I want to keep is KNS productions.
    what should I do???

  103. I’m trying to merge my two artist pages. I keep getting the same reply that the names are too unrelated. I want to merge my old page with a couple hundred likes into my new page with zero likes but all of the new content. I can’t change the name of the old page anymore as it’s been changed once before. I have tried using the help center and the contact form for reporting a problem. I don’t see any other alternative to contact facebook. Can someone please help me?

  104. hi jen im in need of change my page url , but there is no option available to edit my page url ,because i already changed for 2 times ,
    is there any solutions available ???

    1. Hi Jim,

      I am still seeing the merge option on my pages under “Settings” –> “General”. Are the names and addresses for both pages the same?


  105. Hi,

    I have a page for a company but we recently rebranded and changed our name. We can’t change the name of our page again because we already changed it once.

    Could we create a new page with a similar name and then merge two pages then change the name of the page after the merge? Do you have any other suggestions on how we could change the name of the page?

    1. Hi Sarah,

      If you’ve already used your name change, I’m not sure you can rename it again after a merge. You may have to contact Facebook directly and request another name change.


  106. Thanks! The help page way of doing it does not give you the option to select what address or vanity name you want to keep sadly. I will just have to wait. Thanks again!!

    1. Hi Jason,

      If you were able to do it via popup by selecting a page in the dropdown menu, it should be immediate.


      1. That is what I did, however differently then your video, there was another step that asked what address on facebook I wanted to keep, it listed the two addresses with radio buttons, after I selected one and hit the button the popup just goes away, no loading no confirmation. I really really appreciate your advice and assistance btw!!

        1. Yes, if one or more of your pages has a vanity URL, it will ask you which one you’d like to keep. However, you should get a confirmation message. There seems to be lots of issues with merging this month — you may be experiencing a bug.


          1. I am sorry to keep bothering you, you are very helpful 🙂 OK so I went ahead and filled out the form with the check boxes and drop downs in the help area. I just got an email that it was done, and it is, nice. Down side is, it did not have an address selection option or notes area even. The page I kept did not have a vanity name set, the one I let go did. But if I try and set it now it says its not available still. Any idea if / when they get released to use again or ?

          2. Hi Jason,

            You will have the option to put in an address if it’s categorized “local business.” If you didn’t select the vanity URL you wanted, I believe Facebook holds it for 30 days before releasing it again.

            Take care,

  107. I just converted my personal to a fanpage. I have a pre-existing fanpage that I wanted to merge, but the option to merge is not there on either account. The account names are “Account Name” and “Account Name – Official fanpage”. They both have 2k+ likes so I cant change the name. I am an Admin on both. What is the problem? I read above that there maybe a bug with merging this week, will you please update when it is fixed?

  108. Hi there,

    Just thought I’d jump in, as I have just successfully (and painfully) merged my 2 business pages. I have an older page that has taken a while to work up the number of fans (50K) and have just rebranded. I could not change my page name (have already changed it a while back) so that option was out. So, I started a new page to cater for the rebrand and tried to merge the 2.

    You can choose which page you keep and which page gets deleted. The annoying and painful thing, was being denied 4 times -“Your request to merge your Pages has been denied. Your Page names are too unrelated to merge at this time. To ensure that submitted merges are processed, please change the name of your Page before attempting to merge again”. More annoying, was that the page names weren’t too unrelated at all. By the 5th time. I had changed the page name to cater for both FB’s wishes and the rebrand – even though it wasn’t what I was after.

    Then, I didn’t hear anything at all. No confirmation or message from FB to let me know about it. The ‘merge’ option did disappear after this, so I thought that perhaps FB blocked that feature from me. But also thought that perhaps my request was being processed.

    I did submit feedback a couple of times (via the ‘Help’ link, top right of my page profile) and have only now, heard back from FB (6 days later) saying that the merge has been approved:

    “We received your request to merge your two Pages. Since your Pages are significantly different from each other, we require a 14-day waiting period. A waiting period is required for merges that could be confusing for people who like the Page that’s being merged. During that time, the people who like the Page that’s being merged will be notified about the merge.

    Your merge will be automatically processed 14 days from today at the same time that you received this approval email. Thanks for your patience.”

    The past 6 days, I have tried finding extensions, APPs and even ‘hacks’ to let me change the page name and even bring back the merge option. While doing so, I did notice that the proxy server does make a huge difference. I also want to close my personal account and tried appointing a new admin role – FB wouldn’t let me. I kept getting a ‘security message’ from FB which prevented me from adding new ‘admin roles’ to my page.

    After installing the ‘Hola Better Internet’ Chrome extension, I set the proxy to USA and I also used ‘incognito mode’. I logged back into FB and I was able to add more ‘admin roles’ to my page. The new proxy didn’t bring back the merge option, but then again, I was already approved for the merge.

    There would definitely be less panic if FB didn’t leave us in the dark; if there are contacts to contact or even if they had helpful online support, that don’t just give generic answers. Definitely frustrating.

    1. Hi there,

      Yes, having your Facebook location set to US sometimes allows you to access different help forms and add admins. However, you should see the merge option from any proxy, since new places pages can be user-generated and business pages may need to merge other pages into theirs frequently. You are still supposed to see that option on your business page, even if you’ve already done one or if a merge is in process.


  109. Hello, my pages have similar names “Siobhan” and “Siobhan Noir” . I am the admin on both. They have the same address and page type. I am still not seeing the option to merge. One page with 3,000+ likes was a fan page I made 2years ago. The other with 500+ likes was my personal profile that I converted to a page.

    1. Hi there,

      There appears to be a merging issue this week — it may just be a bug but the easiest way to merge your page right now is to request Facebook do it for you. Create an ads account (if you don’t have one already), and then send a request at this link:


  110. Thanks Jen,

    I have made myself an admin on the old page but cannot figure out how to merge them.

    Could you point me in the right direction please because I’m very confused as to what to do next.

    Many thanks,

  111. Hi Jen,

    How can I now merge the pages because I had to sign up using a new email address ?

    Im sorry for the all the questions and I am eternally grateful for your help because my page has almost 4000 likes and i really would hate to lose it.

    Once again thanks for your help,


    1. Hi Craig,

      Have you tried logging in to your old profile (which is now a business page) and then adding your new profile as an admin? Once you do that, you’ll have admin access on both pages and should be able to merge them.

      Note: you’ll lose all the content on the page that you merge, but you’ll keep the likes.


  112. Hi Jen,

    There are still 2 other people as admins on the page but because my personal profile is now a business page they cannot add me as an editor.

    I have since setup a new personal account and been made an editor on the older business page.

    My only worry now ism that because there are now 2 business pages with the same name that Facebook might close them.

    Thanks for the help,

    1. Hi Craig,

      Ah, I understand. You need a personal profile in order to be an admin.

      Facebook shouldn’t close either of the pages, even though they have the same name. However, you should now be able to merge them.


  113. Please help I’ve changed my personal page to a business page so I could merge the 2 pages.

    During the process I got locked out as an editor on my older business page and now because both pages are business pages I can’t merge

    1. Hi Craig,

      Unfortunately, you’ll have to contact Facebook and claim ownership in order to reclaim admin status.


  114. Hi Jen,

    Before few days the merge form was working. I have tried today, but i get the message “Sorry, this page isn’t available”. I would like to ask you, maybe the facebook, they have taken down all merging forms?


        1. I have 2 account, the one i have ad account setup is working the link with USA ip, the other one i don’t have ad accoutn setup is not working either with USA ip.

          1. Ok, thanks. I was able to merge two pages today using the ad account help link, but the self-serve option continues to not work for me. Looks like a bug.


          1. Hi Christos,

            That link doesn’t work for me. I am able to merge pages by contacting Facebook and getting them to do it, but the self-serve option has not been available this week.


  115. Thanks Jen!

    When you mean advertiser, does that mean do I spend money using Facebook’s advertising solutions?


    1. That’s correct. Only people who have an ad account set up will see the email form in the ‘contact us’ area of that link.


  116. Here’s my dilemma. I have an app product page where the name has already changed once so I cannot change it again. I have had a cease and desist letter over Trademark name that my page uses. My page has 18k likes. So what I have done:

    1. Created a new page with similar name.
    2. Tried to find the merge option but it’s not there.

    Keep in mind I have set the new page up with same settings as current one. My plan is to transfer the likes over to the new page then rename the new page to new product name. I don’t mind starting fresh with new content as I must also remove all references to the old product name. Only thing like mentioned in point 2, I see no merge option.

    Also keep in mind I have both new pages in unpublished mode because again due to legal reasons I must switch the pages off. Is there a way around this?

    I have contacted Facebook on numerous occasions and they ignore me.


    1. Hi Lee,

      I’ve never tried to merge unpublished pages so I’m not sure if that will work. Have you tried temporarily publishing the pages to see if the merge option shows up when you do?

      If it doesn’t, you’ll need to work with Facebook to resolve the issue. If you’re an advertiser, try this link to email them your question:


  117. Hello. I notice that I don’t have that menu “Merge Pages” anywhere under general settings. What do I do?

    1. Hi,

      The merge option will appear if you are the admin of multiple pages with the same name, in the same category. It will be under Settings –> General Info –> Merge Pages.


    1. I’ve tried the tutorials from Youtube. I’m from Philippines and I needed to use a proxy server to see the “merge page” option. However when I try to click the option, it just never ends loading. I hope you can help me! I will really appreciate it a lot. If you can do it for me, I’ll really be glad. Thank you in advance!

  118. Hey Jen i merged my page last night. They said it was successfully merged but still it isn’t merged. How much time it will take & how can i check that it’s merged or not?

    1. Hi Pawan,
      Has it merged yet? It’s never more than a couple of days in my experience.


  119. Jen: Had an employee set up a FB page for us and then left the company and thus I am not an admin on the page FB account they set up. I have now set up a new FB page/account. I would like to merge the old one in with this new one, but like I said, I do not have admin access. Is there a way to work with FB to get this fixed/resolved? The former employee is now gone and I have no way to track them down to grant me admin access.

    1. Hi Kevin,

      You’ll have to reach out to Facebook to see if they can grant you access (you usually have to prove you’re an official representative of the business with an email address or documentation like a utility bill). If you’re an advertiser, try this link:


  120. I merged my page few seconds ago following all of your instructions. Just wanna kno how much time it take to merge. Btw Thanks in advance.

    1. Hi Pawan,

      It shouldn’t take too long. If you did it through the initial dropdown it will happen right away; if it was through the form you should see it merged within the next few days.


  121. I wanna ask I have two pages with preety muvh similar names The “Hazard” Brothers & The Hazard Brothers . One page has 60K likes but its not active other one just has 5K & its fully active so tell me if i merge my 5K page into bigger one then it will be fully active or not?

    1. Hi there,

      Whatever page you keep will be the “active” one, as the pages will be merged. However, be aware that you’ll lose all the past content/activity on the page you don’t want to keep.


  122. Hello there, nice post but it doesn’t answer what I’m looking for. I’m about to manage an account that has several fanpages for logistic reasons, they are about 64 distributors of one brand and they have an official fanpage aswell, I was wondering if there is the posibility to merge the followeres but to keep each fanpage managable for each distributor. Same thing that is done with multinational fanpages as Pepsi, Nivea, Etc etc. How can I do that?

    Thanks a lot.

  123. Hi .. I can’t see the ” merge ” option .. I’m admin on both pages and they both have the same name , category. Please help me. Facebook changed and I can’t see the ” merge ” ..

    1. Hi Suhail,

      Are you not seeing the “merge” options? Please ensure that you have admin access to both pages and they’re are named the same (or very similar).


      1. hello, i have 3 fanpages, 3 of them has a same locations, names, infos etc. but when i go to settings [General] i cant find the Merge…but my acount says temporarily block for some features when i tried to add a new admin on Page Roles..

  124. Hi, i want to merge my 2 pages, but this option is visible only by page with more fans. I want to merge the biggest FB page into the smaller. It is possible? Thanks, Nora

    1. Hi Nora,

      Usually you merge your smallest page into your biggest. I have never tried to do it the other way around. However, when you hit the “merge pages” option on the bigger page and click the “request to merge duplicate pages” it should take you to here:

      From there, you’ll be able to select which one you want to keep, and which one you want to merge. Doing it that way may work.

      Take care,

        1. Hi Abraham,

          How long ago did you fill out the form? It may take a few days. If you don’t hear from them, I would consider changing the name of the page you want to merge to something closer to the one you want to keep (i.e. – if you want to keep nobetv ng, call the one you want to merge novetv ng 2).
          Good luck,

    1. Hi,

      I’m still seeing it. Are you trying to merge business pages that have the same name? Are you an admin on both?


  125. Just to explain a little further, it says the pages have been merged but the likes and check-ins haven’t been merged.

    1. Hi Rachel,

      Sometimes it takes a day or two for the likes and checkins to roll up to the main page. How long ago did you merge them?


  126. Hi, I’ve already submitted a request to facebook to claim a second page which they’ve done but I can’t now find out how to merge them so that I can get the likes and check – ins. Any ideas?
    Thank you

      1. Jen hi.

        I was also trying to merge two pages together but it didn’t work. I followed your instructions and changed the name of a page and it’s basicaly the same now, but stil i can set merge page option.

        Also, this link does not work for me. Got any other advice where i could get the merge option?



        1. Hey Nejc,

          You don’t see the “merge pages” option on either page? Are both pages categorized the same (i.e. – local business)? Also, what region are your pages from? I believe the help pages I’m linking to are for North America. If you’re outside NA, please try searching Facebook help for “merging pages” to find the correct link for your region.

          Take care,

    1. Hi Ilan,

      That might be why the option isn’t appearing. You can’t merge pages that have dissimilar page names, so you’ll first have to change the page name of your old company page. If it has less than 200 likes, you’ll be able to do that in settings. If it has more, you’ll have to hit the “request a name change” and go through the Facebook help process. Once the names are similar, you should get the merge option.

      I talk about the naming conventions in this video if that helps:

      Take care,

    1. Hi Ilan,

      I’m still seeing it. It should be under the “general” section of your settings. Do you admin multiple pages with similar names?


    1. Hi Darren,

      It has never taken us more than a few days. I’d suggest waiting a week before contacting Facebook and/or trying again.


  127. Thank you for this. I’m going batty with this one. I manage a business page that has 20 locations. Each location has a page under this “parent” page. I am trying to merge all 20 into the parent page, and while I can follow this process above, the 20 individual pages do not show up as an option to merge. Help!

    1. Hi there,
      If each page is a “child” page, I don’t believe it can be moved into the parent because they’re already connected. Are you sure you want to merge them? If so, you’ll lose the benefits of the Locations framework:

      However, if you wish to proceed I’d try making yourself an admin (manager level) on all 20 child pages, then visiting your parent page, clicking on Edit Page –> Manage Locations, and then clicking the pencil icon next to each location and hit the “remove this location” link. Once you’ve removed pages from the Locations framework, I believe you should be able to merge them into the parent page.

      Hope this helps!

  128. Thank you Jen, this was very helpful. How long should I wait before trying again though? Because it’s been over a week and comments on the Facebook help section suggest some people have been waiting for months even and no merge. Also BTW, when clicking on the merge option in my page settings I didn’t get that pop up window to do it there, but it took me straight to the Help section as in the second option you described. Thank you again, good day!

    1. Hi Maria,
      I’ve never had to wait longer than a week, but I believe it varies. Usually, the pop-up window works if you are an admin of both pages and they’re both named the same and share the same category, but the help section works also. Good luck!

  129. Hi Zen,
    This option is only available for pages that represent the same thing and have similar names, so you might have to rename one of your pages before the option appears. The page categories also have to match.
    Hope that helps!

  130. Forgot to say – One of my pages is “Malke” and the other one is “Mario Malke” is it similar enough so facebook can merge them? thanks again

    1. Hi Mario,
      That should be close enough, but you might want to make “Malke” the first word in the page you want to merge, just in case.
      Good luck!

  131. Thanks for the post!

    Is it true that it only works on american proxies? I am trying to do it from Spain since weeks and can’t find a solution! Where did you guys tested it? Thanks!

    1. Hi Mario,
      It shouldn’t have anything to do with where you are. We tested it in Canada and it worked fine. Are you seeing the “merge pages” option in setting?

  132. Hi Jen

    Great post. Really helpful.
    Could do with your helt on the merging matter.

    1. Is it true that you can only merge into the page with highest number of likes?
    2. what happens if you have over 20 pages to merge
    3.can you still measure the previously Independent pages once merged.

    Thank you again for all your great advice



    1. Hi Jonathan. Thought I’d jump in as I noticed your question.

      1) You should be able to merge any page into any other one regardless of which one has more likes, as long as they fit the criteria Jen included in the above post.
      2) If you are looking to merge 20 pages into one, then just do them in batches (i.e. 5 at a time) until you have them all merged together.
      3) No, you cannot. Once they are merged that is it – they are one page and all information is merged.

      Hope that helps!

      1. Hi Steve, i merged a couple of my business pages today into one main one, then i decided to turn my own profile into a page and merge that so i only have 1 login, and 1 main page, but facebook are not allowing me to do it 🙁 an advice?

        1. Hi Lee. Hard to say for sure without knowing all the details. I suspect (as outlined in Jen’s article) it could be that the names don’t match closely enough, or several other issues. I would suggest reviewing the steps Jen has included above to ensure you aren’t missing something.

          1. Page names, addresses, catagorys are all the same, i think its to do with the fact i merged 4 pages into 1, then my profile into a page, then tried to merge them 2 and it said error you have tried to merge too many pages, or something to that affect. Now i have one with 19k and one with 7k both
            Exactly the same, iv tried and tried doing it the usual way, im so stressed with it

        2. Hi Lee. Sounds like you are doing everything correctly. Perhaps give it a few days and try again.

  133. Thanks for the instructions. I also struggled, but when I clicked “Official page Option” on the pages I didn’t want it allowed me to enter the merge options (Enter the official brand, celebrity or organisation your Page is about). find it towards bottom of page info in edit settings.
    Hasn’t merged yet but at least I’ve applied to merge pages. Fingers Crossed.

      1. I had merged two business pages and a terrible thing happened . When I kept the new one , which is my new business, it still shows the old pages address. So my customers still go to the old location which is vacant. Help, please

        1. Hi Maria,

          You can update the address under the “About” tab on your new page.


  134. Hi there! I notice this is a post from April this year. I was trying to merge 2 pages – a business that has changed ownership and therefore has to change name completely. The new business has a facebook page and I am trying to merge the old page to this. I am not getting the “merge duplicate pages” option under the general tab under ‘edit page’. Am I looking in the wrong place or doing something fundamentally wrong?


    1. Hi Monica,

      Do both pages have the same name and address? If not, you may have to (temporarily) change the name and address on the page that you’re not going to keep before the option becomes available. The pages should also be categorized the same way (i.e. – local business).

      If you’re still not seeing the “merge” option, you also might want to try going to the page you don’t want to keep and hitting the gear option, report the page, select “duplicate of another page” and follow the instructions from there.

      Good luck!